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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tippinators Produce Risk II: Back for More

RISK scenario game in the spring was so popular the players said they wanted to come back for more. The players demanded it so the Tippinators supplied it. September 20, 2009 at Mersey Road Paintball in East River Nova Scotia, RISKII: Back For More ran to rave reviews for all in attendance.

Due to the overwhelming success of the first RISK game, little changed for RISK II. Like the Parker Brothers (now a division of Hasbro) game of strategic global domination, Mersey Road Paintball was divided into six territories for which two teams had to compete. Each territory had a point value based on size and accessibility. To further simulate the board game the playing field had large sections taped off as oceans, creating choke points and forced zones of conflict.

To keep point scoring simple, every ten minute period a team controlled a territory points were awarded. In addition to the ten minute awarding of points, timed ten minute respawns replicated the end of game turns.

The frequent respawns was appreciated by the players. Colin Anthony of Dartmouth appreciated being able to quickly get back in the game. "If I got hit, I would have time to get to the respawn wipe off then it seemed like I was right back out." Anthony continued,"The quick respawns really kept things moving."

Like the board game large sections of the field were blocked, forcing players into specific axis of advance. With limited areas to approach each territorial capital, the fighting became intense at times as players pushed to capture the territory and score points for their team.

Unlike the board game, players on the field are unable to see the big picture, Landry’s solution to the problem was simple. "We allowed the refs, who were in contact with each other, to act as source of intel to the players." Landry said. "Players were given a broad overview of how much territory they held and suggested whether to send players to the north or south side of the field." Players coming from the respawn could decide to sure up lines of defense or exploit weaknesses of the other team.

After a day long struggle for domination of the earth, the blue team squeaked out a narrow 485 to 450 victory over the red team. With neither team holding a clear advantage throughout the day, players waited in the staging area until the final tabulation and announcement was made.

Smiling faces and excited retellings of on field exploits shows the real measure of a successful paintball game - happy players.

The continued success of the RISK series shows that if you give the players a game they enjoy, they will come back for more. What's next for RISK? How about RISK III: Even Riskier? We will have to wait until spring 2010 to find out.

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