
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tippinators Purchase and Will Run ATWL

The two time ATWL champion Tippinators paintball team have purchased the Atlantic Tactical Woodsball League (ATWL). The Tippinators, who have refereed the ATWL the past two seasons, were excited and acted quickly when the opportunity to purchase the league presented itself.

Bruce Johnston, Tippinators Captain, said "Taking over the league [ATWL] is the next logical step for us, since we have been heavily involved in the league and produced a number of scenario games in the last few years." Johnston continued "This move feels right, Tippinators and ATWL is a good fit."

The Atlantic Tactical Woodsball League was founded by Shaun Langille in 2007. The league is loosely based on the highly successful Special Ops - Scenario Paintball Players League (SPPL). Matches are 20 minutes with three capture points on the field. Points are awarded for each minute capture points are held. The remainder of rules were simplified for the first season. Langille said, "We wanted to keep the spirit of the SPPL in the ATWL, but more importantly wanted to get the league off and running with player enjoyment as the first priority."

The Tippinators paintball team was formed in 2005 and has, "raised eyebrows for several reasons." said former Special Ops Paintball employee Jordan Ricks of Salt Lake City Utah. "Members of the Tippinators speedball team are experienced woodsball players. Walking on to a speedball field in camouflage with mechanical Tippmann paintball guns is tantamount to walking into Washington, D.C. and raising the Maple Leaf over the White House. People either laugh at the audacity of the joke or they believe that one has lost touch with reality" Ricks concluded "The Tippinators represent the best aspects of the sport and are great role models for young players."

When asked why he decided to sell the ATWL after four successful seasons Langille said, "While I loved every minute of my time running the ATWL, I decided to step away to spend more time with my two year old son and family." Langille continued "Leaving this league is one of the hardest things I have had to ever do."

Chris Landry the ATWL head referee for the past two years said, "The change in management can only mean a better experience for the players." Landry continued "Our organization has a skilled team of players with experience running some of the best competitive and recreational events in the Maritimes." Landry concluded "We will take our experience from running the Halifax City Open, Bustin Balls for Charity and RISK to make the ATWL even better."

The Tippinators are picking up where Langille left off, the team is ramping up for 2011. "I know the league is in the best hands I could ever place it. The players enjoyment will continue, and grow under the Tippinators ownership." Said Langille.

"The word Tippinators has become synonymous with honesty, integrity, fair play, embodying the very best this sport has to offer." said Brent Cunningham of Tippmann Sports in Fort Wayne Indiana. "We know the Tippinators will represent the sport of paintball with class and professionalism."

"Our first order of business will be to contact the existing team captains and field owners to ask what they would like to see in 2011." Johnston said "I have big shoes to fill to try and do as good a job as Shaun. I know that we will make him proud."

Woodsball players in Atlantic Canada will continue to have a competitive league for the foreseeable future thanks to the Tippinators purchasing the Atlantic Tactical Woodsball League. "The Tippinators will make every effort to create the most enjoyable woodsball experience for players in the Maritimes." Johnston concluded. "The ATWL is here to stay."