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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tippinators Interview in Shooting Hot Magazine

The View from the Turret:
Is 40 Old? Not if You're a Paintball Player
By: Dawn Allcot

Full Article Posted to Shooting Hot Magazine November 2009 Issue
Excerpt below

Working Out in Your 40's .. and Beyond
Bruce Johnston, captain of the Nova Scotia, Canada based Tippinators, is another so-called older player who works hard to play up front. "During dry land training I'm usually leading the team," he says. "As the leader, I have to be in front."

He draws inspiration and motivation from the younger players. "The guys are constantly pushing me to be better. They are always encouraging me to dig deeper."

Playing competitive Xball in Canada's AXBL, Johnston discovered, required a whole new level of physical fitness. He started the exercise program P90X and has had great success with it.

"After only the first two weeks of P90X the guys noticed a huge difference in my strength and cardio conditioning," he tells Shooting Hot Magazine. "Thanks to my off-field conditioning my bumps to the secondary are faster, time in the lane is reduced, and I can play point after point without effort."

That's not to say it's easy. "The biggest difference now that I am older is the amount of effort it takes to get results when working out," Johnston says. "Part of the issue is the time it takes for my body to recover from the pulls and strains of working out. As you get older the body slows down so I need to work twice as hard to get the same results."

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