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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Paintball Tipps Episode II - Safety

Paintball Tipps Episode II - presented by Tippmann Sports, BuyPBL, Mersey Road Paintball
The Tippinators are pleased to announce the release of the second video in the Paintball Tipps series. This latest video focuses on the safety and how easy it is to keep the game safe for everyone.

This episode was inspired by an email we received from a viewer. "We received an email from a viewer asking about safety." said Tippinator Bruce 'Charon' Johnston. "Safety is so integral to everything we do as players that we had to produce a safety video."

This is the second video of what we hope will turn into a series that can both educate new players, as well as, entertain the more experienced .

If you like the video, subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you will know as soon as the next episode is posted.

Photos courtesy of HalifaxSportsPhotos.ca

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